A Message from Our Principal:

Greetings Lions & Families!

It’s hard to believe we’re already thinking about the 2024-2025 school year. I hope you are having a wonderful summer and have had time to play, laugh, and relax. Below are some important links for you to check out:

We can’t wait to see you all and for a great school year!


Mrs. Brotherton



Arrival begins: 7:20am
Dismissal begins: 2:25pm

2024-2025 School Calendar 


Welcome to our newest WE staff members:

image of lion

  • Eva Diaz (2nd Grade)
  • Megan Sawusch (2nd Grade)
  • Clayton Walls (4th Grade)
  • Yanneth Pirazan (4th Grade)
  • Carolina Regan (5th Grade)
  • Mary Harvey (ENL)
  • Madeline Clements (SpEd)

Mark Your Calendars!  

Upcoming Events at Willow Lake:

–Thanksgiving Break – 11/25-11/29

– Winter Break – 12/23-1/3

– Spring Break – 3/31-4/4


School Lunch 

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) English/Spanish  allows all students in grades K-8 to receive healthy breakfasts and lunches daily at no charge to families. K-8 students who wish to purchase extra and a la carte items must pay for these items separately. This can be done by setting up a MyPaymentsPlus account. See more information about  MyPaymentsPlus below.

After School Care

At Your School Child Services (AYS) provides childcare at Willow Lake from 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

You may register your student at the AYS central office.  They are located at 4701 N. Keystone Ave suite 475
Indpls, In 46205 or you can call them at 317-283-3817.  The AYS program does reach capacity quickly, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible.

You can also sign-up online at:  https://www.ayskids.org/after-school-2025


Your bus assignment information will be available on Skyward shortly before the first day of school. For all Transportation information, please visit the Transportation website: https://www.msdwt.k12.in.us/transportation/ .

Our district uses Infofinder, an online transportation information system, to allow students and families to find bus stop locations, bus numbers, and approximate pick-up and drop-off times. Families may look up bus information directly in Infofinder. This should help eliminate complexity and confusion, particularly at the beginning of the school year.

If after reviewing your individual information and you find that you need clarification, please contact the Transportation Department: (317) 254-5510.


Skyward Family Access allows you to access student grades, attendance, email teachers and school officials, pay fees and much more.

For the safety of your students we want to be sure we have the most up to date and accurate information.  Please take a moment to log into Skyward Family Access – https://skyward.msdwt.k12.in.us – and complete the Data Clean-Up process. Parents will have the option to save and come back at a later time to complete the process.

If you need additional guidance with this process, step by step directions can be found at http://www.msdwt.k12.in.us/cleanup. Log in credentials were sent via US mail to families in a Back to School packet.

Classroom Visitors/Volunteers

Willow Lake welcomes parents to visit the classroom.  Classroom and teacher visits will be by appointment only.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like to set-up a time to meet or visit the classroom. Visits should be limited to 30 minutes or less.

All classroom visitors/volunteers must have completed a Limited Background Check.  This form must be filled out and given to the front office so that it can be sent for approval.  Please allow at least 7-10 days for this process to be completed.

Limited Volunteer Limited Background checks are free of charge to anyone interested in volunteering.  Volunteer opportunities vary by teacher.

Visitors for lunch will no longer be permitted to ensure the safety of all.