Your Vote Your Voice! Make sure that you are registered to vote in the Indiana Primary on May 5, 2020. You must be registered by April 6. Visit the Indiana Voter Portal to register, check your registration status, confirm your polling place, and review what 
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Several of our teams have recently celebrated an end to their journey of Who We Are and their exploration of the importance of identity.  In first grade, hats were used to represent the different identities, or “hats,” we wear as learners.  Students investigated many of 
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Kindergarten enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year opens February 5, 2020 at the elementary schools. Students must be at least five years old by August 1, 2020 to start kindergarten in July 2020. If your child turns five years old after August 1, 2020 and 
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Kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year opens February 11, 2021. Students must be at least five years old by August 1, 2021 to start kindergarten in July 2021.   If your child turns five years old after August 1, 2021 and on or before 
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Kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year opens February 11, 2021. Students must be at least five years old by August 1, 2021 to start kindergarten in August 2021. If your child turns five years old after August 1, 2021 and on or before October 
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Welcome Letter Willow Lake School Supply List 2019-20
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MSDWT Board Approved School Attendance Boundaries – Beginning 2019-2020 On May 9, 2018, the MSDWT School Board approved attendance boundaries, to begin in 2019-2020, for the District’s eight elementary schools and three middle schools. Many families will be required to change schools beginning in 2019. 
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